
Final Scratch 2 Drivers Windows 7

  1. Stanton Mixer Parts
  2. Start Laptop From Scratch Windows 7

Hello everybody,I have a problem concerning digital DJing with Vinyl.Just for you to know:I work in a youth center in my community and I said I am going to take care of that job (whoever has done it before left before I started).So basically what we already have are two Technics Turntables (they look like pretty good ones), a mixer and a Stanton Scratch amp with the Timecode Vinyls and CDs. However, in the package should be a driver cd and (i guess) a traktor version.Well, just as I said, it should be, but there isn't. Maybe a kid took it or it just got lost in the chaos, whatever.I managed to get the drivers myself and wanted to get the thing working with my traktor version (traktor 3). However, I couldn't get it working.So I went into my local music store(I'm from Frankfurt / Germany) to talk with someone from the dj area who could help me (I thought I might need maybe traktor Scratch or something like that).He told me that it my hardware was more or less useless, since traktor has been bought by Native Instruments and they don't support the stanton scratch amp. He said he didn't know of any solution on how to get the whole thing working.The problem is, you see, I just got 100€ to buy me some traktor software or anything, but I can't go to my boss and ask him for 500€ to buy a whole new interface. The city would never give us such an amount of money, since money has been already spent for such an interface a while ago.So does anybody know a solution how I can show the kids how to spin mp3s that I can afford (shouldn't be too expensive, maybe less than 200 €).Thanks you in advance!

Are the drivers available for g4 10.4.11 been having trouble getting this combination to work with the stanton scratch. So am going to give it a whirl on a friends windows xp machine. Does the install CD have the best drivers or is there something I need to download?-problems are basically: poor performanceindicated by loss of playback stability when using traktor 3.4 and the scratch amp as a sound card. Two tracks not playing back smoothly. Drop outs / crunched samples etc. It just plays back poorly overall using a lot of cpu. If it goes into total crunch-down i can switch the clock source in the audio/midi preferances and it straightens out.I am figuring this is a driver issue.

Or maybe something else. Im not able to see.

Click to expand.on my machine the maximum latency is 52.3 so thats what I run it at. I usually run traktor at 92.5 (with my mixed mono set-up using the stock sound card) and its very smooth and glitch free. When I use my motu traveler as the sound output device maximum latency is around 25 and it runs poorly.My machine is 167 g4 powerbook. 2gb ram three external hardrives and plenty of room on internal.AFter some discussion with other people in my crew we decided to put the scratch amp on a newer PC and install windows XP on it. We will try the traktor3 demo version first and then go from there. I need to get a PC version of the t3 demo before they upgrade.I also need a 3.2 version of t3 to install there and will have to get a serial so our system is all legit.

So glad that NI made that available to us.Im not really interested in using the scratch amp for vinyl control. At this point This is just an attempt to give stereo DJ functionality to the PC and to use the Scratch amp for something. We spent 600 dolllars on it to begin with. So that energy and effort has to be utilzed in some manner.


Hello again,these days have really killed me. I never in my life experienced so much problems with a piece of hardware (namely the ScratchAmp).I have tried to connect the Stanton Scratch Amp 2.0 wih my PC an experienced a major problem:I have installed the driver properly (the driver shows me that my device is connected properly), but as soon as I open any music software (Traktor 3, djdecks or Deckadance) it gives me this error message:'Failed to initialize Asio driver ScratchAmp ASIO. Error Code: -2 'I know that this issue is also named in the manual, but the way of solving described there does not work for me.I checked the cables, reinstalled the driver, rebooted like a hundred times - nothing works.I even disabled every other sound device, including the onboard sound (disabled by BIOS).Could you please help me to solve this problem? I don't know what else there is left to do.By the way, I emailed Stanton because of this and because of the lost final scratch cd - I tried every contact email I could find on their website and each one failed (mail delivery failed).Great support. Also experienced this issue when I tried to install FS on a PC.

Then adding injury to insult the PC lost all its start-up designations and user settings and I haven't been able to recover it. I don't rely on it to work.

So i haven't tried very hard. But geese.I know that native instruments is not in any way responsible for the scratch amp. And On stanton's website stanton assumes responsability for support, but.

When you go to support and drivers in the stanton site. YOu get linked to a native instruments page.?:SThe problems with the scratch amp are almost at this point. FAMOUS.I am a music equipment retailor. And I have been considering carrying the stanton brand since last year, when the SC system came out. Still when I mention stanton products to any of my clients. They frown at me and mention the problems we have had with this particular product.

So it is still hurting them. If stanton isn't going to support the scratch amp when it still has units for sale. How can we build trust in new products like DA scratch and SC system.

These look like awesome products. But i haven't been able to find interested parties in my circle.This isn't a gripe fest Im just wondering how to get this resolved and make this gear productive for me.

Click to expand.I work there (for 6-7 months now). I already answered the OP though. Nitum (and everyone else in this thread) has my email address, so if contacting support by phone doesn't resolve your issue, feel free to drop me a line. Just keep in mind that I'm not a support guy (even though most of you guys know me in that capacity), so please try the right support venue before emailing me.To nitum specifically, I haven't received any email from you. My address is in the 5th post.

Please reference this thread in your email so I know it's you. Also, did you try calling the support line? Sorry about the bounced email, that page hasn't been updated.

All of the information on our support page is correct.As for SCS support, we just launched forums to help not only support the SCS products, but also to start building a community around preset creation. Click to expand.The Scratchamp is a solid audio interface. Out of all the. that happened with FS2, the Scratchamp is actually the high point. What hardware issues are you referring to.The support page you mention that links to NI's site is for the FS SOFTWARE, which NI developed and supported. NI still handles and manages software issues (indeed I can still get my old FS2 serial from their Service Center app).

So that's why there's a link to NI. All of the other links point to Stanton resources. But I agree that since the FS2 software is no longer supported by anyone, that should probably go away. I've already emailed someone about changing the FS2 page to correct this and the incorrect email address.

I don't think it is of any importance what exact version of Traktor I am running, since the problem is in every DJ Software.I cannot even specify the device as my standard audio device in windows, which means that something is going terribly wrong.However, the Traktor Version I tried is some 3.4.x.x.x.x.x (i don't which exactly now because I write this post from home), but as I mentioned it's not the problem. Even though it is not the right version to use for Vinyl Control it should at least recognise that my device, the scratchamp, IS indeed connected. I got your email, but am at work now and forgot to forward your message to my work email - so I'm using the forum.I got a care package together for you that includes all the original installation materials (timecode CDs, installer CD, printed manual). I'll include a CDROM for you with updated drivers and a couple other goodies. If you can email me your shipping address I'll get this out to you on Monday.

I'll also include in that package my business card and contact info so we can talk you through any technical issues you might be having.Just wanted to let you know I didn't forget about you.

Become a and go ad-free! End of support?You’re absolutely right. Windows 7 will keep working.The only thing that happens when support ends (planned for January 14th, 2020 as of this writing) — is that no further fixes will be made available, even for security-related issues.

Windows 7 End of Support Nag (Click for larger image.)In fact, security-related issues are the only fixes you’re getting now. Everything else ended back in 2015.So whatever Windows 7 looks like next January is what it’ll be from then on. No changes, no fixes, no ‘nuthin. Applications may still get updatesJust because Windows stops getting updates doesn’t mean that the applications you use will stop getting updates. That depends entirely on the application vendor and when they decide to stop supporting Windows 7.Some may already have stopped.

Others will stop in the future. You simply need to keep an eye on updates for the programs you care about.Someday, those updates will stop as well.

It’ll be up to you to decide if you care. So, what’s the risk?Good question. The “gloom and doom” scenario is that there’s an unpatched that will be found, hackers will exploit it, and Microsoft won’t fix it.The more pragmatic risk is that eventually, your other software will no longer be updated.

You’ll have to figure out whether you can live with that, or find alternatives.The other risk is that when your computer dies, you won’t be able to get Windows 7 for its replacement. Once again, you’ll be faced with a decision: move to the latest, most current version of Windows, or switch to something else entirely? Mitigate the risksPerhaps the most important step to keeping yourself safe is to make sure your tools continue to work — including keeping themselves up-to-date. If your security software is no longer supported, then find an alternative immediately.The hope is that Windows Security Essentials — which (as I understand it) shares its technology, if not its name, with Windows Defender on Windows 10 — will continue to be updated for some time. You need to keep an eye on it.The other very important step I recommend is my old standby: regular and complete backups. If something does go wrong, you’ll want to restore to a.

This will also protect you to some extent when Microsoft eventually takes existing Windows 7 updates and activation offline, which will prevent you from reinstalling Windows 7 from scratch. We’ve been here beforeIf what we’re experiencing sounds hauntingly familiar, that’s because it is. This is exactly what happened with Windows XP some years ago.And in the light of many dire predictions of catastrophe and doom nothing happened. There were no catastrophic outbreaks targeting Windows XP. There was no list of known vulnerabilities that hackers were keeping secret until they knew they wouldn’t be fixed.Nothing.Windows XP users were probably more impacted by the decreasing hardware and software support for the applications they cared about.I expect Windows 7’s “death” to be very similar to that still underway for Windows XP — which a few folks continue to use to this day.

Unsupported software can mean many different things. I'll review the variations on the theme, and revisit the question of whether unsupported software can be used safely.

When it comes to software released before Summer 2001 and not subsequently updated, many helpful developers have posted a simple assurance on their web site that all will be well if their software is run under XP, or offer specific instructions on the best way to proceed, even if an update isn't likely. Windows xp dos too many open files.

Windows will generally keep itself as up to date as possible, often whether or not you want it to. I'll discuss why you want it to, and what options you still have. If you're still clinging to XP and wondering what to do next, here are four options to consider.

Privacy and security: tracing the path from your fingertips through the services you use to your information's final destination.Posted: April 25, 2019in:Shortlink. New Here?Let me suggest my to get you started.Of course I strongly recommend you - there's a ton of information just waiting for you.Finally, if you just can't find what you're looking for,! Confident ComputingConfident Computing is the weekly newsletter from Ask Leo! Each week I give you tools, tips, tricks, answers, and solutions to help you navigate today’s complex world of technology and do so in a way that protects your privacy, your time, and your money, and even help you better connect with the people around you. My computer is a pro version. I had a vanilla box and a technical friend of mine got a license, legally btw, via having a certified dead pc’s license transferred. M$ allows this.

Stanton Mixer Parts

Final Scratch 2 Drivers Windows 7

Simply because a pc physically dies does NOT mean you lose your rights to the license. And M$ has no way of cross checking who you are (or maybe they do). Cost of license from dead PC $10 NZ from a trader on ebay I believe. Heck, my friend wouldn’t even let me pay him for the license.

Final Scratch 2 Drivers Windows 7

Dems da best of friends.: ). I’m pretty sure it was legit. The nag notification was the same notification that comes up if you turned off your anti-virus.

Start Laptop From Scratch Windows 7

So when you looked to see why you were unprotected, the MSE icon was red. When you click on it to see what the problem is, it would tell you that it was no longer supported.On one XP computer, I uninstalled the last Microsoft Update that updated MSE and it went back to normal. On a different XP computer, I had the same thing, so I uninstalled the last update and it went back to normal too. The update tried to install again. On the one computer I didn’t care. On the other computer, I blocked the update, treating it as if it was an update that was wrecking my computer.

I knew I was not protected; I didn’t need to be constantly nagged. First, the “risk” of stopping OS updates is vastly overstated (just paraphrasing what Leo said). The biggest risk to the obsolescence of Windows 7 (or XP) is that continual and automatic updates of applications installed on your machine will eventually make them incompatible with the OS. When your applications stop working, then the OS becomes useless. If you intend to use Win 7 (or XP) for a long time, you should protect against forced application obsolescence by shutting off automatic updates and saving full installation packages of versions that do work on your computer. Remember, if your objective is to keep on using Win 7 or XP, then focus on the practical aspects of doing work on your computer and not on some societal group think that “updates are good”.

Windows 10 has proven that not to be true. Hello,I am Thomas, from Zambia.I would like to pass my great tears on behalf of every vulnerable person using windows 7 as I, This is a very great concern to me. Why should support for windows 7 come to an end? Some of us are students and still using windows 7 which were just distributed by charitable organizations and still using them up to date.

Now, what if support ends, what are we going to do?Please, I am requesting on behalf of my fellow vulnerable students still using windows 7, please let the support for windows 7 extends to a minimum period.I thank you. Before commenting please:. Read the article. Comment on the article. No personal information. No spam.Comments violating those rules will be removed.

Comments that don't add value will be removed, including off-topic or content-free comments, or comments that look even a little bit like spam. All comments containing links and certain keywords will be moderated before publication.I want comments to be valuable for everyone, including those who come later and take the time to read.Comment Name Email.