
Define Program In Computer Science

  1. Define Program In Computer Science Project

Computer program, a series of instructions that a computer,device capable of performing a series of arithmetic or logical operations. A computer is distinguished from a calculating machine, such as an electronic calculator, by being able to store a computer program (so that it can repeat its operations and make logical. Click the link for more information. can interpret and execute; programs are also called software to distinguish them from hardware, the physical equipment used in data processingor information processing,operations (e.g., handling, merging, sorting, and computing) performed upon data in accordance with strictly defined procedures, such as recording and summarizing the financial transactions of a business. Click the link for more information.

These programming instructions cause the computer to perform arithmetic and logical operations or comparisons (and then take some additional action based on the comparison) or to input or output data in a desired sequence. In conventional computing the operations are executed sequentially; in parallel processing,the concurrent or simultaneous execution of two or more parts of a single computer program, at speeds far exceeding those of a conventional computer. Click the link for more information. the operations are allocated among multiple processors, which execute them concurrently and share the results. Programs are often written as a series of subroutines, which can be used in more than one program or at more than one point in the same program.Systems programs are those that control the operation of the computer. Chief among these is the operating system—also called the control program, executive, or supervisor—which schedules the execution of other programs, allocates system resources, and controls input and output operations. Processing programs are those whose execution is controlled by the operating system. Language translators decode source programs, written in a programming language,syntax, grammar, and symbols or words used to give instructions to a computer.

Development of Low-Level LanguagesAll computers operate by following machine language programs, a long sequence of instructions called machine code that is. Click the link for more information., and produce object programs, which are in machine language and can be understood by the computer. These include assemblers, which translate symbolic languages that have a one-to-one relationship with machine language; compilers, which translate an algorithmic- or procedural-language program into a machine-language program to be executed at a later time; and interpreters, which translate source-language statements into object-language statements for immediate execution. Other processing programs are service or utility programs, such as those that 'dump' computer memory to external storage for safekeeping and those that enable the programmer to 'trace' program execution, and application programs, which perform business and scientific functions, such as payroll processing, accounts payable and receivable posting, word processing, and simulation of environmental conditions. BibliographySee F.

Maddix and G. Morgan, Systems Software: An Introduction to Language Processors and Operating Systems (1989). Computer program.

.We all have heard about Computer Programming gaining a lot of popularity in the past 3 decades. So many students these days want to opt for a Computer Science stream in order to get a job at their dream tech company - Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple and whatnot. What is Programming?In this blog post, we will decipher the term “programming” and understand its usage and many other related terms.

Define Program In Computer Science Project

Understanding Programming in layman termsProgramming is a way to “instruct the computer to perform various tasks”.Confusing? Let us understand the definition deeply. “Instruct the computer”: this basically means that you provide the computer a set of instructions that are written in a language that the computer can understand. The instructions could be of various types. For example:. Adding 2 numbers,.

Define program in computer science degree

Rounding off a number, etc.Just like we humans can understand a few languages (English, Spanish, Mandarin, French, etc.), so is the case with computers. Computers understand instructions that are written in a specific syntactical form called a programming language.“Perform various tasks”: the tasks could be simple ones like we discussed above (adding 2 numbers, rounding off a number) or complex ones which may involve a sequence of multiple instructions. For example:. Calculating simple interest, given principal, rate and time. Calculating the average return on a stock over the last 5 years.The above 2 tasks require complex calculation.

They cannot usually be expressed in simple instructions like adding 2 numbers, etc. Hence, in summary, Programming is a way to tell computers to do a specific task. Why should you bother about coding?You must be wondering - why does one need a computer for adding or rounding off numbers? Or even for simple interest calculation?

After all, even an 8th standard kid can easily do such things even over large numbers. What is programming used for? What benefits do computers offer?Well, computers offer so many benefits:. Computers are fast: computers are amazingly fast. If you know how to properly utilize the power of Computer programming, you can do wonders with it. For a typical computer of today’s time, an addition of 2 numbers which could be as big as a billion each takes hardly a nanosecond. Read again - nanosecond!


That means that in 1 second, a computer can perform about a billion additions. Can any human ever do that? Forget a billion additions a second, typical human can’t even do 10 additions per second.

So, computers offer great speed. Computers are cheap: if you were a stock market analyst and you had to monitor the data of say 1000 stocks so that you can quickly trade them. Imagine the hassle that would create if you were to do it manually! It is just impractical. While you are performing your calculation on the stock’s performance, the price may change.

The other alternative is to hire people so that you can monitor more stocks in parallel. That means your cost goes up significantly. Not to mention about the trouble you will face if some of your employees commit a calculation error in the process. You may end up losing money!

Contrast that with the case where you use a computer. Computers can process a huge amount of information quickly and reliably. 1000 stocks are nothing for computers of the 21st century. Computers can work 24x7: Computers can work 24x7 without getting exhausted. So, if you have a task that is big enough, you can without worries allocate it to a computer by programming it and sleep peacefully.What is Programming Language?As mentioned above, Computers understand instructions that are written in a specific syntactical form called a programming language. A programming language provides a way for a programmer to express a task so that it could be understood and executed by a Computer.

Refer our another blog-post ' to know more about programming languages. Some of the popular are Python, C, C, Java, etc. Why should you learn Computer Programming?Now, after knowing so many things about programming, the big question to be answered is - Why should you learn Computer Programming? Let us understand why:. Programming is fun: Using Programming, you can create your own games, your personal blog/profile page, a social networking site like Facebook, a search engine like Google or an e-commerce platform like Amazon!

Won’t that be fun? Imagine creating your own game and putting it on Play Store and getting thousands and thousands of downloads!. The backbone of a Technology Company: The backbones of today’s technology companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and many others, are giant computer programs written by a collaboration of thousands of skilled programmers. If you have the right business acumen, knowing programming can help you create the next big tech company. Pretty good salary: Computer Programmers are paid extremely well almost all across the world. Top programmers in the Silicon Valley make millions of dollars every year.

Quite a few companies offer starting salaries as high as $100,000 per year.Let us now get into an actual program. Writing your first programPython is a widely used programming language. It is extremely beginner-friendly. You can download Python here:. After downloading, run the installer in order to install Python on your machine.Let us delve into our first Python code now.

Open your favorite text editor (we’d recommend ) and copy paste the following 3 lines: a = 54b = a. 8print bSave the file on your desktop as myfirstprogram.pyNow, do one of the following depending on your operating system:. Windows: open command prompt and type python myfirstprogram.py.

Ubuntu/Mac OSX: open terminal and type python myfirstprogram.pyWhen you press enter, what do you see on the screen? Almost instantly after you press the enter key, you will see the following: 9136What’s that? That’s 54 8, computed by your computer in the blink of an eye! A typical human will take minutes if not seconds to get the result. You see the power of a Computer?Congratulations, you’ve written your first program. Let us understand how it works.

A = 54We are declaring here that we have a “placeholder” called as a to which we assign the value 54. B = a. 8Here, we are declaring another placeholder called as b to which we assign the value a.

8. Here, the value of a is 54. So, effectively we are computing 54.

8. The. operator is the “power” operator. A. b means a b. Print bFinally, after the computation is done, we want to display the result on the screen.

For this, we have used the print statement which essentially throws the result on your screen. Geoffrey AllenProgramming field is growing very fast. It's already mainstream and will only increase its usage in the future. Everything is going to be smart (like smartphones, IoT, etc) and digitize with the help of programming.

Nearly everything is software (programming) based now. Programming jobs have been growing steadily and are forecasted to grow in coming decades. Programming is the future in every aspect, it seems. Unless AI starts doing programming and makes all the developers useless:). Archie GillIt depends on your learning ability.

There are different types of people with different learning capabilities.If you are good at self-reading then run to the library and spent a lot of time to learn the basics of programming and how to program.If you learn better with the help of a tutor, then search for a tutor online or offline.If you think, you may better understand the logic by watching videos, then prefer video tutorials for it.If you want to start learning by practical/ practice only, then start writing your own programs and learn yourself. Jhanda KamathIt is important to learn data structure and algorithm to build scalable systemsAlgorithm – A defined set of instructions to solve a problem is known as an algorithm.

This is required to be simple and clear. Example – An algorithm to add two numbersStep 1: StartStep 2: Declare variables num1, num2 and sum.Step 3: Read values num1 and num2.Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and assign the result to sum.sum←num1+num2Step 5: Display sumStep 6: StopData Structure: As per Wikipedia, a data structure is a data organization, management and storage format that enables efficient access and modification. More precisely, a data structure is a collection of data values, the relationships among them, and the functions or operations that can be applied to the data. John WadeCoding – Codes are to write many lines to perform any task on the computer system. Translate a requirement into computer’s own language to perform a function on the computer which generates some output.Programming – Programming is to write codes, analyze, implement, understand and solve problems. In a programming language, you can write code to control other software applications.

A program is executed.Scripting – Scripting is also a programming language and easier to learn. A script is interpreted. Scripts are easy to write and use. Korravai PunjaYou should start learning with the basics.

For this, first of all, you need to decide that which programming language you want to start. There are various programming languages are available.

You should choose to start learning. In the next step, you may learn it in two modes - Online and Offline.For online learning, there are lots of free e-books, PDF, and video lectures are available on the web. You can check intro to programming tutorials/courses here:If you go with Offline, you may pick up the programming basics books that you like and have good reviews from the programming community.