
Biology Of Plants 7th Edition Raven Pdf

Raven biology of plants 8th edition evert test bank.1.Raven Biology of Plants 8th Edition Evert Test BankFull clear download( no error formatting) at:2: The Molecular Composition of Plant CellsMultiple-Choice Questions1. Introduction; p. 18; easy; ans: eWhich substance makes up more than half of all living matter and more than 90 percent of theweight of most plant tissues?a. Carbohydrates; p. 19; easy; ans: bThe most abundant organic molecules in nature are:a. Nucleic acids.e.

Water molecules.3. Carbohydrates; p. 19; easy; ans: ais a monosaccharide, and is a disaccharide.a. Fructose; lactoseb. Maltose; ribosec. Cellulose; sucrosed.

Sucrose; glucosee. Maltose; lactose4. Carbohydrates; p. 19; easy; ans: eis composed of two sugar subunits linked covalently.a. Carbohydrates; p.

19; moderate; ans: aThe common transport form of sugar in plants is and in animals is.a. Sucrose; glucoseb. Glucose; sucrosec. Starch; sucrose.d. Maltose; lactosee. Fructose; maltose.6.

Carbohydrates; p. 20; moderate; ans: eThe formation of from occurs by dehydration synthesis.a. Glucose and fructose; sucroseb. Glucose; starchc. Monomers; polymersd. Glucose; cellulosee.

Sucrose; glucose and fructose7. Carbohydrates; p. 20; moderate; ans: bWhich of the following statements about hydrolysis reactions is FALSE?a. They are energy-yielding reactions.b.

They are a type of condensation reaction.c. They involve the addition of a molecule of water.d.

An example is the conversion of a polymer to its monomers.e. An example is the conversion of disaccharides to monosaccharides.8. Carbohydrates; p.

20; moderate; ans: cThe principal polysaccharide in the plant cell wall is:a. Carbohydrates; p. 20; easy; ans: aWhat is the most abundant organic compound known?a. Carbohydrates; p. 21; moderate; ans: dWhich of the following consists of beta-glucose subunits?a. Carbohydrates; pp.

21-22; moderate; ans: bThe matrix of the plant cell wall contains:a. Microfibrils and pectins.b. Pectins and hemicelluloses.c. Hemicelluloses and oligosaccharins.d. Cellulose and chitin.e. Chitin and glycogen.12. Carbohydrates; p.

22; moderate; ans: eWhich stabilize the cell wall by forming hydrogen bonds with it?a. Carbohydrates; p. 22; difficult; ans: bWhich comprise most of the middle lamella?a.


Carbohydrates; p. 22; easy; ans: bThe principal component of the cell walls of fungi is:a. Carbohydrates; p. 22; easy; ans: dThe monomer of is N-acetylglucoseamine.a. Storage polysaccharidesd. 22; moderate; ans: eWhen an oil undergoes hydrolysis, the products are:a. 1 amino acid and 3 glycerolsb.

Many glucose monomersc. 1 fatty acid and 3 glycerolsd. 1 sucrose and 3 fatty acidse.

1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids17. 22-23; easy; ans: aWhich are examples of triglycerides?a. Oils and fatsb. Fats and steroidsc. Oils and starchesd. Starches and proteinse.

Proteins and fats18. 22-23; difficult; ans: cA fat differs from a phospholipid in that a fat contains:a. A phosphate groupb. 3 fatty acidsd. 23; moderate; ans: bThe main function of cutin and suberin is to:a.

Serve as structural components of cellular membranes.b. Prevent water loss.c. Catalyze chemical reactions.d. Provide strength to the cell wall.e.

Serve as hormones.20. 23; moderate; ans; cWhich lipid is a major component of cork cell walls?a. 23-24; difficult; ans: cWho am I? I give cell walls a lamellar appearance?a. 24; moderate; ans: bThe most water-repellant of the lipids are:a. 24; easy; ans: aWhich of the following is characterized by the presence of four interconnected hydrocarbon rings?a.

Epicuticular waxd. 24; moderate; ans: eIn all organisms except prokaryotes, an important role of sterols is to:a.

Biology of plants 7th edition pdf free

Serve as storage forms of energy.b. Prevent water loss.c.

Catalyze chemical reactions.d. Provide strength to the cell wall.e. Stabilize the phospholipid tails in cell membranes.25. 25; easy; ans: bThe monomers of proteins are:a. Amino acids.c. Glycerol and fatty acids.d.

Fused hydrocarbon rings.26. 25; easy; ans: cHow many different kinds of amino acids are used to build proteins?a. 27; easy; ans: aA peptide bond occurs between the groups of adjacent amino acids in polypeptides.a. Amino and carboxylb. Amino and phosphated.

Carboxyl and hydroxyle. 27; moderate; ans: bWhen a polypeptide undergoes hydrolysis, the products are:a. Glycerols and fatty acidsb. Amino acidsc.

27; easy; ans: aThe linear sequence of amino acids is called the structure of a protein.a. 2–16; difficult; ans: bA common structure of proteins involves a hydrogen bond between the amino group of oneamino acid and the carboxyl group of an amino acid farther along the peptide chain.a. 28; difficult; ans: eThe tertiary structure of a protein is a result of all of the following EXCEPT:a. The folding of the secondary structure.b. The linear sequence of amino acids.c. The formation of disulfide bridges.d. Interactions among the R groups of a single polypeptide.e.

Interactions between two or more polypeptide chains.32. 29; easy; ans: dThe structure of a protein involves interactions between two or more polypeptide chains.a. 29; easy; ans: eWhich of the following statements about enzymes is FALSE?a. They are globular proteins.b. They enable cells to carry out chemical reactions at room temperature.c. They lower the energy of activation.d. They can be used over and over again.e.

Biology Of Plants 7th Edition Raven Pdf Book

They are typically effective only at high concentrations.34. Organic Molecules; p. 29; moderate; ans: dNucleic acids are different from proteins in that nucleic acids contain:a. Nucleic Acids; p. 29; moderate; ans: bThe monomers of nucleic acids are:a.

DNA and RNA.b. Ribose and deoxyribose.d. ATP and ADP.e. Nucleic Acids; p. 29; easy; ans: cThe subunits of a nucleotide are a(n):a.

Five-carbon sugar and an amino acid.b. Amino acid, glycerol, and a fatty acid.c. Five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group.d.

Nitrogenous base, an amino acid, and a monosaccharide.e. Phosphate group, a disaccharide, and a fatty acid.37. Nucleic Acids; p. 29; moderate; ans: eWhen many nucleotides undergo dehydration synthesis, the product(s) is(are):a.

A five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group.b. Many amino acids.c. Many monosaccharides.d. A polysaccharidee. A nucleic acid38. Nucleic Acids; p.

30; moderate; ans: eAdenosine triphosphate is a type of:a. Fatty acid.b. Amino acid.c. Nucleic Acids; p. 30; easy; ans: bThe principal role of ATP in the cell is:a. Catalyzing chemical reactions.b.

Providing energy.c. Serving as structural support.d. Functioning as a hormone.e. Keeping the phospholipid tails of membranes aligned40.

Secondary Metabolites; p. 30; moderate; ans: aWhich of the following statements about secondary metabolites is FALSE?a. They are found in all cells of a plant.b. Some function as chemical signals or in the defense of the plant against herbivores.c. They frequently are synthesized in one part of the plant and stored in another.d. Some are produced only after the plant has been damaged.e.

Their concentration in a plant can vary greatly over a 24-hour period.41. Secondary Metabolites; p. 30; moderate; ans: cWhich of the following is a primary metabolite?a. Secondary Metabolites; p. 30; easy; ans: eThe major classes of secondary plant metabolites are:a. Sugars and proteins.b. Alkaloids and sugars.c.

Nucleic acids, alkaloids, and phenolics.d. Terpenoids, phenolics, and proteins.e. Alkaloids, phenolics, and terpenoids.43.

Secondary Metabolites; p. 31; easy; ans: bis an alkaloid used to dilate pupils in eye examinations.a. Secondary Metabolites; p. 32; easy; ans: aWho am I? I form a “blanket” that stabilizes photosynthetic membranes and thus helps the plant copewith heat.a. Salicylic acid.e.

Secondary Metabolites; p. 32; easy; ans: dEssential oils are types of:a.

Secondary Metabolites; p. 32; moderate; ans: dWhich of the following secondary metabolites consists of isoprene units?a. Salicylic acid47. Secondary Metabolites; p.

33; easy; ans: cThe largest group of plant phenolics are the:a. Cardiac glycosides.c.

Salicylic acids.48. Secondary Metabolites; p. 34; easy; ans: bis a secondary metabolite responsible for adding compressive strength, stiffness, andwaterproofing to the plant cell wall.a. FlavonolTrue-False Questions1. Introduction; p. 18; easy; ans: TOnly six elements make up 99 percent of the weight of all living matter.2.

Organic Molecules; p. 18; moderate; ans: FBy definition, all organic molecules contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.3. Carbohydrates; p. 19; moderate; ans: FPentoses and hexoses have a carbonyl group in the ring form but not the chain form.4. Carbohydrates; p. 19; moderate; ans: FPlants break down their carbohydrate reserves and transport starch to the site where it is needed.5.

Carbohydrates; p. 20; easy: ans: TAmylose and amylopectin are the two forms of starch.6. Carbohydrates; pp.

20-21; moderate; ans: TStarch consists of alpha-glucose subunits, whereas cellulose consists of beta-glucose.7. Carbohydrates; p. 22; moderate; ans: TPectins and hemicelluloses constitute the matrix of the plant cell wall in which cellulose microfibrilsare embedded.8.

23; easy; ans: FIn contrast to unsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids have one or more kinks that prevent closepacking.9. 23; easy; ans: FUnsaturated fats are usually solid at room temperature.10. 23; moderate; ans: TIn a phospholipid, the phosphate group is attached directly to the glycerol backbone.11. 23; difficult: ans: FIn a phospholipid bilayer, each hydrophobic tail is oriented next to a hydrophilic head of theadjancent molecule.12. 24; easy: ans: FA steroid is characterized by the presence of three interconnected hydrocarbon rings.13.

25; easy; ans: TA peptide bond is a linkage between an amino group and a carboxyl group.14. 27; moderate; ans: FWhen a polypeptide is hydrolyzed, many peptide bonds are formed.15.

Proteins; pp. 27-29; difficult; ans: FAll proteins have primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures.16. 29; easy; ans: TThe denaturation of a protein involves a disruption in its tertiary structure.17. Nucleic Acids; p. 29; easy; ans: FA nucleotide consists of a sugar, a phosphate group, and an amino group.18. Nucleic Acids; p.

29; easy; ans: TDNA molecules are the largest macromolecules found in cells.19. Nucleic Acids; p. 2-20; moderate; ans: TAn RNA molecule consists of a single strand of nucleotides.20. Nucleic Acids; p. 30; difficult; ans: FEnergy is released in the reaction in which a phosphate group is linked to ADP forming ATP.21. Secondary Metabolites; p.

31; easy; ans: TAllelopathy is the process by which a chemical produced by one plant inhibits the growth ofcompetitors.22. Secondary Metabolites; p. 32; difficult; ans: FEssential oils, components of plant fragrances, are phenolic compounds.23. Secondary Metabolites; p. 34; moderate; ans: FIt is thought that lignin first evolved as a support molecule and only later functioned as anantibacterial and antifungal agent.Essay Questions1. Carbohydrates; pp. 19-20; moderateExplain the difference between hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis, and give an example of each.2.

Carbohydrates; pp. 20–22; moderateWhat features do the structural polysaccharides and energy-storage polysaccharides of plants have incommon? How are they different?3. Carbohydrates; pp. 21-22; difficultDescribe the molecular structure of the plant cell wall in relation to its function.4. 22–23; moderateDiscuss the relationship between (a) the structure and the solubility of saturated and unsaturated fats;(b) triglycerides and phospholipids.5. 23-24; moderateDescribe the molecules and structures involved in the prevention of water loss in plants.6.

27; difficultWhat is a peptide bond, and in what type of molecule is it found? Explain what happens to a peptidebond during a) hydrolysis and b) dehydration synthesis.7. Proteins; pp. 27–28; difficultExplain how each level of protein organization is influenced by the previous level.8. 29; moderateDiscuss the importance of enzymes in the plant cell.9. Nucleic Acids; p.

29; easyHow do DNA and RNA differ in structure and function?10. Nucleic Acids; p. 30; moderateIn what way is ATP the cell’s energy currency?11. Secondary Metabolites; pp. 30-35; easyWhat is the difference between a primary metabolite and a secondary metabolite? Name the threemain classes of secondary metabolites and give an example of each.12. Secondary Metabolites; p.

34; moderateWhat type of molecule is lignin? Discuss the importance of lignification in plants.13. Secondary Metabolites; pp. 34-35; easyExplain what is meant by systemic acquired resistance (SAR). What phenolic molecule is essentialfor the development of SAR?.Raven Biology of Plants 8th Edition Evert Test BankFull clear download( no error formatting) at:biology of plants 8th edition pdfraven biology of plants 8th edition pdf freeraven biology of plants 7th editionraven biology of plants 9th editionbiology of plants peter raven pdfbiology of plants raven 6th edition pdfthe biology of plants by raven evert and eichhorn 8th edition pdfbiology of plants pdf.