
Casp Vessel Planning Software

  1. Container Vessel Planning Software
  2. Vessel Planning

Container Vessel Planning Software


In what TSB claims to be an industry first, the system, which has taken two years to develop, allows ship planners to carry out optimised planning of stowage within minutes. Unlike traditional systems, it takes into account all the relevant parameters of vessel, terminal and cargo, and presents the optimised results automatically.Furthermore, the artificial intelligence and genetic algorithm technologies on which SS-Planner is based allow the system to evolve over time.

All planning records are saved to create a database that enables enhanced planning patterns. Another feature is that provisional plans can be verified before being put into effect, for instance in abnormal or unexpected situations.SS-Planner can be interfaced with any other stowage system, including TSB’s market-leading Computer Automated Stowage Planning (CASP) product. According to the company, it will also operate with EDI systems to improve vessel management and productivity. TSB has incorporated feedback from shippers into its development of the product, and market launch is provisionally planned for the first half of 2008.2008-04-23.

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Vessel Planning

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