
Webmaster Tools Submit Url To Index

Bing Webmaster GuidelinesThese guidelines cover a broad range of topics and are intended to help your content be found and indexed within Bing.These guidelines will not cover every instance, nor provide prescriptive actions specific to every website. For more information, you should read our and follow the. In your Bing Webmaster Tools account, you will find and the tool for on-demandscanning of individual pages. Both resources will offer basic guidance and recommendations in regards to site optimizations that you can apply to your site.ContentBing seeks content. By providing clear, deep, easy to find content on your website, we are more likely to indexand show your content in Bing search results. Websites that are thin on content, showing mostly ads or affiliate links, or that otherwise redirect visitors awayto other sites quickly tend not to rank well on Bing. Your content should be easy to navigate, should be rich and engaging to the website visitor, and provide theinformation they seek.

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In many cases, content produced today will still be relevant years from now. In some cases, however, content produced today will go out of date quickly. LinksLinks pointing to your site help Bing discover new pages on your site. It is also traditionally regarded as a signal of website popularity.


The site linking to your content is essentially telling Bing they trust your content. As a result, Bing rewards links that have grown organically; that is, links that have been added over time by content creators on other trusted, relevant websites made to drive real users from their site to your site. Abusive tactics that aim to inflate the number and nature of inbound links such as links buying, participating in link schemes (link farms, link spamming and excessive link manipulation) can lead to your site being delisted from the Bing index. SocialSocial media plays a role in today’s effort to rank well in search results. The most obvious part it plays is via influence. If you are a social influencer, your followers tend to share your information widely, which in turn results in Bing seeing these positive signals.

These positive signals can have an impact on how your site ranks organically in the long run. IndexationBeing indexed is the first step to developing traffic from Bing. Foloowing are pathways to being indexed on Bing:. Links to your content help Bing find it, which can lead us to index your content.

Use of features within Bing Webmaster Tools such as Submit URL and Sitemap upload helps to ensure we are aware of your contentManaging how Bingbot crawls your content can be done using the Crawl Control feature inside Bing Webmaster Tools. This feature allows you to control when, and at what pace, Bingbot crawls your website. Webmasters are encouraged to allow Bingbot to crawl quickly and deeply to ensure we find and index as much content as possible.Technical Page Load Time (PLT)This element has a direct impact on the satisfaction a user has when they visit your website. Slow page load times can lead a visitor to simply leave your website, seeking their information elsewhere. If your site was served in our search results, a slow loading page may appear to Bing as an unsatifactory result that we showed. Faster page loads are always better, but take care to balance absolute page load speed with a positive, useful userexperience. Robots.txtThe robots.txt file is a touch point for Bingbot to understand how to interact with your website and its content.

Using the robots.txt file, you can tell Bingbot where to go, where not to go and by doing so, guide its efforts to crawl your content. A best practice is to have robots.txt file placed at the root of your domain and maintain it often to ensure it remains accurate.Robots.txt is very powerful and has the capacity to block Bingbot from crawling your content. Should you block Bingbot, we will not crawl your content and your site or content from your site may not appear in our search results. SitemapThe sitemap file often resides at the root of your host, say, www.yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml,and contains a list of all the URLs from your website. Large sites may wish to create an index file containing links to multiple sitemap.xml documents, each containing URLs from your website. Care should be taken to keep these files as clean as possible, and to remove old URLs once you remove the corresponding content from your website.Most websites have their sitemap files crawled daily to locate fresh content. It’s important to keep your sitemap files clean and updates to help us find your latest content.

Site technologyThe technology used on your website can sometimes prevent Bingbot from being able to find your content. Rich media (Flash, JavaScript, etc.) can lead to Bing not being able to crawl through navigation, or not see content embedded in a webpage. To avoid any potential issues, consider implementing a down-level experience which includes the same content elements and links as your rich version does. This will allow anyone (including Bingbot) without rich media enabled to see and interact with your website.RedirectsIf you move content on your website from one location to another, using a redirect makes sense. It can help preserve value the search engine has assigned to the older URL, helps ensure any bookmarks people have remain useful and keeps visitors to your website engaged with your content.

Bing prefers you use a 301 permanent redirect when moving content, should the move be permanent. If the move is temporary, then a 302 temporary redirect will work fine. Please do not use the rel=canonical tag in place of a proper redirect.Canonical TagsThe rel=canonical element helps Bing determine which version of a URL is the original, when multiple versions of a URL return the same content.

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As an example, this can happen when you append a tracking notation to a URL. Two discrete URLs then exist, yet both have identical content. By implementing a rel=canonical, you can advise Bing which URL is the original one, giving us a hint as to where we should place our trust.

Do not use this element in place of a proper redirect when moving content.Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Search Engine Optimization is a legitimate practice which seeks to improve technical and content aspects of a website, making the content easier to find, relevant, and more accessible to search engine crawlers. Majority of instances render a website more appealing to Bing, though performing SEO-related work is no guarantee of improving rankings or receiving more traffic from Bing.

Further, taken to extremes, some SEO practices can be abused which are penalized by the search engines.The main area of focus when optimizing a website should include:. tags – keep these clear and relevant. tags – keep these clear and relevant, though use the added space to expand on the tag in a meaningful way. alt attributes – use this attribute on tags to describe the image, so that we can understand the content of the image. tag – helps users understand the content of a page more clearly when properly used.

Internal links – helps create a view of how content inside your website is related. Also helps users navigate easily to related content. Links to external sources – be careful who you link to as it’s a signal you trust them.

Webmaster Tools Submit Url To Index Free

In Bing's Webmaster Tools, there is a Submit URLs page that allows you to 'Submit URLs that are currently not in the Bing index or that should be reindexed due to recent changes.' Does anyone know how long it takes Bing to index pages submitted here? I submitted several pages yesterday; Some are listed in Bing (they have been live for a week so may have already been indexed) but most are not.I'm not expecting miracles since it's only been 30 hours; however, I assume they will be indexed through this tool faster than they would be naturally.

I don't know whether or not users have found this to be true in practice, but according to a, Senior Product Manager with Bing’s Webmaster Program, URLs submitted through Webmaster tools are immediately indexed and available for SERPs:It is a really powerful tool. It inserts the URL directly into ourindex.If you use this tool to inject a site or a URL, it goesdirectly into the index and shows up almost instantly inside theSERPs. You are then at the mercy of user experience to tell us if itis good content. This is a new URL so there is no history, there areno links pointed to it, we have no other signals but we are willing togive it a try and it goes in the index.

If the users love it, itstays. If the users don’t like it, it gets dropped. This is a way todetermine if the users feel this was a quality result. There's no 100% correct answer and I don't think someone from Microsoft could even give you an exact timeframe.

Depending on factors such as inbound links, domain aging, code validity, server setup, etc it could be anywhere from a day to over a month. Remember, it's not just that they can find you, but also that the crawler has available process time to crawl your site.In my experience, if I've got the domain parked with some 'shell' content and roll the new site over, it's generally picked up in 3-4 days. I have had a site languish nearly a month without getting picked up for whatever reason. But in that case I registered a fresh domain immediately before launch, paid little attention to linking, and had a site with some undoubtedly obscure content that I doubt more than a few people were searching for at first.but the work paid the bills, so I guess I couldn't complain. Ironically, that same site now gets ridiculous traffic thanks to some very positive non-web PR.

Go figure.Good luck, be patient. It sounds like you've taken steps to make this process go well, so I'm sure you'll see your site on Bing soon.

Honestly, answer is still valid because nobody but Bing knows what priority they give to URL submission. It still depends on them having processing time to crawl your site, still is important to follow the other steps in the event that the crawler reaches you via other methods first. In the example I give, I also submitted via the form, and it seemed to do nothing to help speed the process. Bottom line-no matter what any so-called SEO expert says, unless they work for the search engine they're preaching about, nobody knows EXACTLY what these search engines are doing.–Sep 29 '10 at 15:26. Regarding your main question I'd second the first paragraph of bpeterson76s answer (+1).

For adding multiple pages you should be aware of the following limits recently outlined in as well though:As with the Recrawl URLs feature mentioned in the Part 1 post, the Submit URLs feature is not limitless. Bing does set quota limits on the number of URLs that can be added and/or recrawled (both apply to the same quota). You can submit up to 10 URLs per day and up to 50 per month. The quotas are in effect for entire domains. Multiple webmaster accounts for the same domain cannot combine their quotas to get more URL submissions. Bing also disallows submitting redirected pages to a site already at full quota.Also, note that the daily quota limit resets after midnight GMT, at which point you can resume adding more URLs (provided you have enough monthly quota left).This might obviously have a drastic impact on the results you can expect from this manual URL submission (which I personally consider more of a band aid for small and/or manually maintained sites therefore: I would definitely go the route of automating the generation and submission of a - or for that matter;) - as soon as possible myself).