
Reduced Workload Program Willie Brown

  1. Mineola, TX
  2. Reduced Workload Program Willie Brown Act

To promote the college mission, we the faculty of Allan Hancock College affirm ourcommitment to student success and to excellence in teaching, learning, and service.To that end, we uphold a philosophy of shared governance through open communicationand collaboration and of academic freedom and integrity. The Academic Senate representsthe faculty in governance and is an organization whose primary function is to makerecommendations with respect to academic and professional matters.Article 1 – The FacultyThe Allan Hancock College Academic Senate represents all faculty. Full-time facultysenators must be full-time tenured or full-time tenure-track (including Willie Brownor reduced workload) and must represent a department.Article II - The Academic SenateEach department in the college shall be represented in the Academic Senate. For purposesof this document an additional department, hereafter referred to as the Academic/StudentService Department, and shall be considered in existence. Members of this Departmentinclude faculty eligible to serve as a senator (as defined in Article 1) who workin the Learning Assistance Program, Library, the District's nurses office, and DistanceLearning.Representation shall be based on the ratio of one senator for each seven members ofthe department or major fraction thereof, provided that each department has at leastone senator.

Mineola, TX


(Paul Marotta / Getty Images)Depending on who you listen to, Minnesota’s public school teachers are either too hard to get rid of or too hard to find, hire and keep around. Thanks to two recent developments—first, a state report on teacher supply and demand, and second, a very public lawsuit aimed at challenging the state’s teacher tenure laws—this is the contradictory place Minnesota now finds itself in.In early March, the Minnesota Department of Education put out a mandated, biennial report documenting teacher supply and demand in the state. The report shows that Minnesota is facing an alarming teacher shortage, especially in notoriously “hard to fill” positions like special education and bilingual instruction.

Reduced Workload Program Willie Brown

Reduced Workload Program Willie Brown Act

There are good teachers out there but how do you find and keep the good ones who care about their students when certain school administration and government employees constantly make or reform laws that ultimately hurt the students? It seems almost criminal the amount of red tape that keeps getting applied to these teachers and the bureaucratic hoops they have to jump through just to teach a class. The tides are changing and not for the better. Just talk to a teacher and listen to the stuff they have to put up with in terms of how they are told to run a classroom. Middle schools are getting hit hard with policies and guidelines being established from officials who want to treat the students as customers and not individual learners. In other words, they are treating the school as a business and the teachers are the customer service reps who get hardly any help from their managers, who are being hounded by the CEO to not intervene or dismiss the issue.It astounds me as to how much goes on behind the backs of these parents.

They haven't a clue the stress and headaches teachers deal with on a daily basis unrelated to a child of the classrom. Of course some of these parents are the same ones who view teachers as objects, not human beings and expect them to have no life outside of a professional setting.Unfortunately this will most likely fall on to deaf ears.

I'm trying to remember what I typed in my search bar to even get here.Posted by MrNoFilterHere on 2016-05-06 20:48:49.