
Mcnc Benchmark Suite

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AbstractIn modern SRAM based Field Programmable Gate Arrays, a Look-Up Table (LUT) is the principal constituent logic element which can realize every possible Boolean function. However, this flexibility of LUTs comes with a heavy area penalty. A part of this area overhead comes from the increased amount of configuration memory which rises exponentially as the LUT size increases. In this paper, we first present a detailed analysis of a previously proposed FPGA architecture which allows sharing of LUTs memory (SRAM) tables among NPN-equivalent functions, to reduce the area as well as the number of configuration bits. We then propose several methods to improve the existing architecture. A new clustering technique has been proposed which packs NPN-equivalent functions together inside a Configurable Logic Block (CLB).

We also make use of a recently proposed high performance Boolean matching algorithm to perform NPN classification. To enhance area savings further, we evaluate the feasibility of more than two LUTs sharing the same SRAM table.

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Consequently, this work explores the SRAM table sharing approach for a range of LUT sizes (4–7), while varying the cluster sizes (4–16). Experimental results on MCNC benchmark circuits set show an overall area reduction of 7% while maintaining the same critical path delay.


MotivationThe placement problem has been studiedextensively in the past 30 years. However, a recent study of wirelength-drivenplacement 1 shows that existing placement solutions are surprisingly far fromoptimal.

Using a set of constructed placement examples that match manyindustrial circuit characteristics with known optimal wirelength , the study showsthat the results of leading placement tools from both industry and academia are70% to 150% away from the optimal solutions on those examples. An extension ofPEKO was presented in 2, where new examples called (PlacementExamples with Known Upper bounds) were created by inserting a certainpercentage of non­local nets into a PEKO circuit. By relaxing the optimalityconstraint on a subset of connections, PEKU more accurately emulates realcircuits in terms of wirelength distribution.

Experiments showed that for PEKUbenchmarks, state­of­the­art placers can be far away from the upper bound. Inthe extreme case, where each circuit consists of global connections only ( benchmarks),existing tools can be 41% to 102% away in the worst case. These studiesgenerated great interest in both academia and industry.However, wirelength is not the sole objectivein circuit placement. In the era of DSM technology, an important goal ofplacement is performance (delay) optimization. There is a strong need to extendthe optimality study to timing­driven placement algorithms.Circuit DescriptionThe TPEKO suite is developed at.


A total of 20synthetic circuits are constructed from MCNC benchmarks such that their optimaldelays are known under a simplified linear delay model, i.e., the delay of eachgate is a constant d g, the delay between two gatesA and B is d i( A, B) = dist( A,B). d u. Here, dist( A, B) is theManhattan distance between A and B, d u is aconstant. TPEKO is given in the format specified in 3 for FPGA placement. Wechose this format for its flexibility to specify our delay model and celllibrary. Table 1 gives the characteristic of TPEKO suite.

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TPEKO can bedownloaded.Table 1.Characteristics of the TPEKO suite. Column 'Orig' gives the initialcircuit from which the synthetic circuits are derived. M is the numberof longest paths in each synthetic circuit. M = 0 corresponds to theoriginal circuit. Column 'Opt' gives the optimal delay for eachcircuit.

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It is the same for circuits derived from the same initial placementfor M ³ 1. CktOrigOptM= 0M= 1M= 3M= 5CLBPIPOFFNETCLBPIPOFFNETCLBPIPOFFNETCLBPIPOFFNETTPeko01tseng1162TPeko02ex5p27TPeko03apex81347TPeko04dsip2TPeko05misex11231496TPeko06diffeq26TPeko07alu626TPeko08des172077TPeko09bigkey5TPeko10seq28241848TPeko11apex52002TPeko421988TPeko13frisc8763648TPeko14elliptic19TPeko15spla53353773TPeko16pdc.