
How To Setup Nfs Share Using Freenfs

  1. Create A Nfs Share
  2. How To Setup Nfs Share Using Free Nfs Most Wanted

Create A Nfs Share

Specifies an array of authentication types that an NFS client can use to access NFS shares.The acceptable values for this parameter are:- Sys (AUTHSYS authentication). Krb5 (Kerberos v5 authentication). Krb5i (Kerberos v5 authentication with integrity checking). Krb5p (Kerberos v5 authentication with privacy). All. DefaultIf you specify All, Server for NFS configures Sys, Krb, Krbi, and Krbp on the share.If you specify Default, Server for NFS configures Sys, Krb, and Krbi on the share. Type:StringAliases:af, authAccepted values:sys, krb5, krb5i, krb5p, all, defaultPosition:3Default value:DefaultAccept pipeline input:True (ByPropertyName)Accept wildcard characters:False.

Specifies language encoding to configure on an NFS share.You can use only one language on the share.The acceptable values for this parameter are:. Euc-jp (Japanese). West covina recreation program. Euc-tw (Chinese). Euc-kr (Korean). Shift-jis (Japanese). Big5 (Chinese).


Ksc5601 (Korean). Gb2312-80 (Simplified Chinese). AnsiType:StringAliases:lang, encodingAccepted values:euc-jp, euc-tw, euc-kr, shift-jis, big5, ksc5601, gb2312-80, ansiPosition:6Default value:AnsiAccept pipeline input:True (ByPropertyName)Accept wildcard characters:False. Specifies the network name of a share.For a local share, the network name is the host name.For a server cluster, the network name is the network name in the resource group to which the share is scoped.This parameter is not required when you create a local share.In the case of a server cluster, specify the client access point.If you do not specify a network name, New-NfsShare assigns a network name that belongs to the same resource group by default. Type:StringAliases:netnamePosition:2Default value:NoneAccept pipeline input:True (ByPropertyName)Accept wildcard characters:False.

How To Setup Nfs Share Using Free Nfs Most Wanted

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent operations that can be established to run the cmdlet.If this parameter is omitted or a value of 0 is entered, then Windows PowerShell速 calculates an optimum throttle limit for the cmdlet based on the number of CIM cmdlets that are running on the computer.The throttle limit applies only to the current cmdlet, not to the session or to the computer. Type:Int32Position:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False.